Travelin' Kid

January 27, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

**Original post date: March 24, 2014**


As we discuss our upcoming travel plans for the summer and anticipate a trip to New Orleans next month, we were talking about how well-traveled little Josie has been already in her short life.


Were we crazy to take her on her first flight—cross-country, from New York to San Francisco—just shy of 8 weeks old? Maybe, but healthy babies that young are pretty manageable and not quite on a strict sleeping schedule yet, so it worked out surprisingly well. I remember when we decided that it was a good idea to bring her out there while Cory was working. No one was available to come out to NYC at the time, so we thought, why not? For me, I was willing to take the risk of managing a fussy baby vs. being home alone for a week.

We were indeed terrified at the thought of flying with a baby, and I think a lot of first-time parents feel the same way. Not really terrified for the baby's sake, but more selfishly for ours (dreading the stares) and our fellow passengers. We know what it's like to fly with a screaming baby or toddler on the plane. It's frustrating—but even more so for the parents, I can tell you that! Josie was perfect on the flight though—she was the only small child on this particular flight and she slept most of the way. When she woke up we quickly stuck a bottle in her mouth, and we tag-teamed the diaper change. The flight crew was in awe at her calmness, and we were relieved!


San Francisco flight complete...she was a perfect little flyer!San Francisco flight complete...she was a perfect little flyer!

Apple Store, San Francisco Apple Store, San Francisco Apple Store, San Francisco Apple Store, San Francisco Apple Store, San Francisco Apple Store, San Francisco First In-N-Out Burger trip...for us all!First In-N-Out Burger trip...for us all! Healdsburg, California—Josie's first wine country trip :)Healdsburg, California—Josie's first wine country trip :)

Here are few other trip pics:


We took a road trip to Montreal when Josie was 3 1/2 months old -- her first international trip! Cory loves Montreal, and this was our third trip there. It grows on me each time we go, and I really liked it a lot when we went last July. He should probably blog about his love for this city, or at least upload some pics here.

Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old. Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old.

Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old.Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old. Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old.Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old. Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old.Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old. Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old.Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old. Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old.Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old. Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old. At Second Cup coffee shop.Trip to Montreal at 3 1/2 months old. At Second Cup coffee shop.



On this flight, Josie was 4 1/2 months old—a very lively and vocal 4 1/2 months. I flew solo from NY to STL while Cory and our dear friend Garnett drove the moving truck. But I think my two-hour flight gave me more anxiety than I would have had if I'd driven the baby the 15 hours. Okay, maybe not...but it was a heck of a trip! I thought she might sleep because it was an evening flight, and she did nod off for 20 minutes or so, but she was just too wound up and curious about what the heck we were doing. Luckily, I was surrounded by almost all women. It was strange, but thankfully, most were sympathetic, and one even offered to hold Josie (I let her...she wasn't going anywhere!). Another made faces at her and kept her entertained. Then what seemed like a five-hour flight finally ended, and I was happy to see my parents waiting for us on the other end.

Moving day in NYCMoving day in NYC Moving day in NYC. With Garnett and cousin John. Moving day in NYC. With Garnett and cousin John. Josie and I had one last night in NYC before flying the next day. This was the view from our hotel room. Josie and I had one last night in NYC before flying the next day. This was the view from our hotel room. "Moving" flight from NYC to STL (before heading to KC)."Moving" flight from NYC to STL (before heading to KC). "Moving" flight from NYC to STL (before heading to KC)."Moving" flight from NYC to STL (before heading to KC). First night in STL.First night in STL.


Road Trip: Missouri

Once we moved to Kansas City, it was inevitable that we'd be traveling the 250 miles to St. Louis—my hometown—on a regular basis. Sometimes just for the heck of it, other times for extra help with Josie while Cory was out of town, and still other times for the holidays. One time I drove her by myself, which was a challenge. Thinking that we might be okay because it was close to bedtime, that plan backfired when she saw all of the shadows and lights going by in the back window at night. She did sleep a little, but not nearly enough. I think I played Saint-Saëns' "Aquarium" (her favorite at the time) about 30 times that trip. Thank goodness for the Flying J truck stop in Boonville. She loved seeing all the activity going on. We've also stopped in Concordia quite a bit on the way back to Kansas City. Experience has taught us that the ideal time to travel the I-70 route with her is during her naptime during the day, when she'll sleep two to three hours in the car. We've also taken a few STL/KC road trips with Grammie Jackie and Uncle Mark.


Just a girl and her uncle. At a truck stop.Just a girl and her uncle. At a truck stop. Just a girl and her uncle. At a truck stop.Just a girl and her uncle. At a truck stop.


A year in the making

April 12, 2014  •  1 Comment

The cover photo of this blog site is not only an impressive nightscape of New York City taken by Cory, it's a photo from our 10th floor labor and delivery suite at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center. It looks south at Midtown Manhattan on the night of April 11th, 2013. The Empire State Building was glowing orange in honor of the ASPCA and its 16th annual Bergh Ball. A storm was brewing, and we were waiting for a baby girl to arrive.


Feeling huge...and ready to meet the little one!


Our labor story started out casually enough—I had a weekly appointment at the doctor on a Thursday afternoon and wasn't due for about 11 more days. But lately I'd been feeling extremely uncomfortable. Tests showed that my usually even-keel blood pressure was elevated, plus I had other signs of preeclampsia, and the doctor didn't want to risk further danger to the baby. She told us we could make our way over to the hospital, and within a couple hours I was being induced, and erratic contractions were starting to cause an increasing amount of pain. The overnight hours were intense, and by 5:30 a.m., things were progressing quickly. Cory was my rock, watching the monitor for the oncoming contractions and helping me breathe through them. The room filled up with women -- doctors and nurses -- and at 6:51 a.m. on April 12th, Josephine Grace was here. And she was a beautiful sight.


About 20 minutes old



_B5A0552aOur sweet pea at 2 weeks


I, personally, but I think this goes for Cory too, have been fascinated by Josie's development—more so than I ever thought I'd be. Watching her hit milestones such as smiling, "talking" (babbling/cooing), sitting up, eating, crawling, standing, "reading" books, pushing buttons, opening doors, taking her first few's all kind of amazing to me. I know we all go through this as humans but watching it unfold on a day-to-day basis puts you at this granular level of biology that makes our human existence something to marvel at. Okay, I'm getting a little deep here, but it's definitely something I didn't consider when I thought about having kids.





Now it's time to say Happy Birthday to our darling Josie. Twelve months have flown by, and every day we wonder how we got so lucky to have been blessed with this smart, funny, curious and beautiful girl who makes us laugh and smile every day.

Happy Birthday, Josephine Grace. We love you so much and are thankful every day that we have the privilege to call ourselves your parents. We are looking forward to watching you grow into a toddler and young lady, but will enjoy each moment of your adorable babyhood in the meantime.


-Posted by Jen




Feed Me!

February 01, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Here are some shots of Josie eating throughout the past few months -- assisted and unassisted. :) Apparently the only one of mama and baby is of her trying to eat a plate, although I found one of her passed out in my lap in Montreal after a night feeding.


Montreal feedingMontreal feeding

9 Months Later

January 13, 2014  •  1 Comment


Our little girl is 9 months old already! Where has the time gone? Today she had her 9-month well-baby checkup, and we're happy to report that she got an excellent bill of health (and no immunizations...hallelujah!). She is 20+ pounds and 28+ inches long, which puts her in the 75th percentile for her weight and height. Some recent milestones include:

  • Mastering the art of crawling during Christmas week
  • Defining her palate a little more as she's moved on to second-level foods
  • And making more consonant sounds when she "talks"

Oh, and she loves playing with her "friend" in the mirror, as evidenced today at the doctor's appointment:



Here are more recent pics:

Snow Angel!



A Kid at Christmas

January 03, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Josie's first Christmas was a success—she made out like a bandit from all of her grandparents and the rest of our family and friends (thank you!), and of course, Santa. We celebrated two Christmases in Kansas City and two in St. Louis. We are now overflowing with toys and clothes, so she is set for awhile. That is, until she outgrows her 1-year stuff and wears out her toys. :)

Here are some pics. These first few are the "studio" shots that Cory took on the couch using a black drape. We used one for our Christmas card.


The candid shots are random ones of her during the holiday season. We think she was more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual presents. And she really liked the tree!





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